Thursday, July 26, 2012

Is Your Baby Fully Developed?

While sitting in bible study last night the Lord laid something on my heart that I know needs to be shared, so here goes.....

When a woman is impregnated, before the baby can be born it must go through many different stages of growth and development.  At the point of conception the egg becomes a zygote.  Its barely more than a single cell, but within days it grows into many cells and becomes a morula.  A morula grows into a blastocyst.  The blastocyst then becomes and embryo.  The embryo grows until about 8 weeks when it becomes a fetus.  A fetus grows through out the remainder of the pregnancy until birth when it is born as a newborn infant.  According to most states, the fetus has to be born breathing, meaning taking at least one breath outside of the womb before it is legally recognized as a baby.  What is the relevance of this science lesson?



It can be so difficult to wait to birth the baby God plants on the inside of us, but as with a natural baby, if your baby is born out of season (prematurely) the chances for survival are greatly diminished in fact, it may not live at all!

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 says: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born and a time to die..."

So while waiting may be difficult and you may be anxious to get out there and help all those God has called you to help, if you try to begin outside of your season you may prematurely expose your baby to a world it is not ready for!  The "lungs" may need a little more time to develop.  The "stomach" may not be ready to accept food!  As with your natural baby, your spiritual baby is precious and fragile!  It needs the full gestation period to grow inside of you!  Nurture your baby on the inside of you with the correct food (The Word)!  Exercise while you are carrying your baby (focus on things that keep you close to God) so that after the baby is born you are not carrying around extra "weight".  Drink plenty of water to keep your system cleansed (keep your hands clean and your heart pure).  Taking these steps during the gestation (waiting period) will ensure your baby has the best chance of survival after birth!

Well you may be thinking, I've been waiting for a long time.  When will I give birth?  When is God going to open the door so that I can walk out what He has placed inside of me?  Or the realest, most frightening thought of all, "What if I am not called to do what I desire to do?"

Isaiah 66:9 (NIV)
"Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the Lord. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God.

God will NEVER plant a pure desire inside of you and NOT bring it to pass!  He will not plant something inside of you that He does not intend to birth!  The thoughts of "what if I'm wrong" or "what if it never happens" are tricks of the enemy designed to get you to abort your baby because abortion is the only way to stop a God implanted baby from being born.  Abortion in the spiritual sense includes all things that separate you from God.  Thankfully, God makes allowances for our mistakes... that's why He sent Jesus.  So I don't want anyone to read this and think, "I sinned yesterday so I aborted my baby".  No, that's not what I am saying.  To be very clear, You abort when you walk away from God, when you turn your heart away from Him. Even then, God is so forgiving that if you ever come back to Him, He will forgive you and re-implant you with that same seed!  Of course, you will have to "carry" the baby again, but in the end no matter what you've done in your past, if your heart is pure and your hands are clean God will "break your water" and cause your baby to take it's first breath!

No matter what,  remember your baby has to grow!  Rarely does God show us the entire picture the first time He speaks to us concerning our purpose.  He gives us glimpses according to what we are able to handle at that point.  As we grow and mature in Him, the spiritual "fetus" grows inside of us and He reveals more of what the "baby" will look like at birth!  We must wait patiently for God to "break our water"!  We know once a woman's water breaks in the natural birth is imminent!  The same is true in the spirit!  Wait for God to give you the FULL YES!  Wait for Him to say, PUSH!  Give your destiny the gestation it deserves!  If you are getting tired of waiting (as every natural mother does toward the end of the pregnancy) remind yourself that your baby needs the FULL gestation period!  A baby born at the beginning of the third trimester has a 90% survival rate.  90% is pretty good, but don't you want you baby's guaranteed success?!?!  Wait until your season has fully come!

Love you all,
Otescia R Johnson

~As always, thanks for reading and I pray you are encouraged and strengthened after reading this blog!  Please leave your thoughts/comments and share this blog with anyone you know that may benefit from reading it!