Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh, that I May Live with Jesus!

Matthew 7:21-23

21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity

I can't speak for everyone, but I know I am not running this race to become one of the people Jesus is speaking of in this passage. It is imperative that I be found acceptable in His sight. All of the working in the different auxiliaries in the church do not matter if our hearts are not pleasing to God. Paul said it best when he said:

"But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."- 1 Corinthians 9:27

It is essential to allow the Lord the search the corners of our hearts daily. It is through relationship with Him that we will be able to hear correction. The love and grace of our Heavenly Father are here to guide us through this Earthly walk so that when all is said and done we may dwell with Him in eternity. While it is important to share the Gospel with all of mankind, it is vital to our very survival that we maintain a right relationship with Jesus. Our works WILL NOT get us into heaven. Only the pure in heart shall see the Lord. It would be tragic to spend this life preaching and teaching of Jesus and learn in the next that HE never KNEW us!!! That "knew" is not a head knowledge. It's intimacy. It's communing with the Father. It's abiding in Him and allowing His Word to abide in us. It's loving Jesus with all of our heart minds, bodies, and souls!

A songwriter once said, "I've got my mind made up, and I won't turn back, because I'm going to see my Jesus one day!" Women of God, make up your mind!!! Live this life to please Jesus and Jesus alone. Live this life to hear Jesus say, "Well done my good and faithful servant!" I believe every heartache, pain, disappointment, and sacrifice is going to worth it when I hear my Lord and Savior speak those words. I die to flesh that I may live with Jesus!

Monday, September 21, 2009

For your Maker is Your Husband......

According to an on-line study done in 2006, the average American couple spends around $26,802 on their wedding. This average estimate does not include the honeymoon or rings. This cost has sky rocketed over the years as Americans have began seeking out more lavish weddings. Everyone is looking for the best of the best. Some even go as far as to take out loans to pay to make their day "special". I once heard Dr. Phil say, "We spend all this time and money preparing for the wedding, and we're not preparing for the marriage". From a natural standpoint this is often true. More often than not, we get so focused on our big day that we neglect to prepare for life afterwards, so when storms come (and trust me they do), we are blind-sided and unprepared. Today I want to talk to you about a marriage that will never blind-side you, and a husband that will never leave you nor forsake you!

Isaiah 54:5 says "For your maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name; and your redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole Earth."

From the days of John the Baptist until now, mankind has been entering into a marriage with the eternal bridegroom Jesus Christ that costs them no money whatsoever. In fact, He allows you to trade your sin, heartache, shame, and pain, for life and life more abundantly!

To marry means to form an affinity with. Affinity means to become related to. Married means to dwell, to remain, to settle.

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior desires to form a relationship with us that will remain. He desires to dwell with us throughout eternity!

Revelation 19:7-8 reads, "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the linen is the righteous acts of the saints."

Praise God!!!! This wedding will cost me nothing, not even the cost of a dress, for my righteous acts are my fine linen! To live righteously means to live in a way that is just; to walk in proper judgment; and to be equitable or holy. This life is a perpetual preparation for our eternal wedding. And guess what, you even have a wedding planner.... the Holy Spirit. If we would only listen, the wedding planner of our souls will lead you in all truth and righteousness. He keeps us on the straight and narrow throughout this life so that we may behold our bridegroom face to face when this natural life is over! The Holy Spirit is our wedding planner, make-up artist, hairstylist, nail technician, dress maker, florist...... He is everything we need to prepare us for our "big day"!

God is calling for a renewed commitment to Him! He's calling for us to live righteously. If you are ready to answer the call, recite the following:

I, (insert your name here), take you Jesus, to be my Lord and Savior, to honor and serve from this day forward, when this walk is easy and when it is not so easy, whether I have financial abundance or just enough, whether I encounter sickness or if I live in health, no matter what comes or what goes, I love and devote myself to your service from this day forward, Amen.

I pray you have found this post helpful. May the grace of God surround you this day! As always, leave a comment if you desire to do so!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Psalm 17:3

Thou hast proved mine heart; thou hast visited me in the night; thou hast tried me, and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress.

I would like to focus on the last part of this verse of scripture. I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. As women, we are often stereotyped as back biting gossippers. Why is that? I think it is because many of us carry those characteristics before we come to Christ. Think back to junior high school and conversations you had with friends. If you were anything like I was your conversations probably consisted mainly of "Oooh girl no she didn't" and "Guess what I heard". When I crossed over into my adult life and the Lord began dealing with me about gossiping, I stopped offering information, but I kept listening. It took years for me to realize, I was just as guilty for listening as I was for spreading "news" that was never mine to spread. Once I grasped that concept the Lord began to show me how words hurt people. Once you speak a word into the atmosphere, you can NEVER take it back. That being said, it is critical for me to consider my words before I speak them. I MUST be mindful that the enemy uses words to hurt people and not help him with this process. Before I gave this area of my life over to Jesus I had a horrible habit of saying the first thing that came to my mind when I was mad, no matter how ugly that thought was. It took a non-believer saying to me, "That was not Christ like" for me to at least recognize I still had a HUGE problem with my mouth.

Finally, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I have determined not to sin with this mouth! I control this mouth and what comes out of it!!! No one can "make" me say things I shouldn't. Saying mean, hateful, and ugly words does not glorify my Heavenly Father! It conflicts with the message of Salvation Jesus taught of. The Lord often reminds me that I will never know who He may ask me to minister to, and if I let the enemy trick me into saying something ugly to them, they will not be able to receive the Word of the Lord! Fulfilling my purpose in Jesus is FAR more important than giving anyone a "piece of my mind"!

God bless you all, and as always..... leave a comment if you desire to do so!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Great Balancing Act

With my children returning to school this week and a much lighter work load, I find myself with more time on my hands, yet I am still NOT completing everything on my ever growing "to do" list. There was a time in my life when this would have troubled me greatly, but I've learned a lesson that has changed my life forever. What is that lesson you ask? It's simple, I've learned to accept that fact that I am human. I am human and therefore I will make mistakes. I will want to watch TV when I should be cleaning. I will want to read novels when I should be outside playing with the kids. I will want to lounge around and do nothing when I should be taking the dog for a walk. Some will say these are excuses, but I beg to differ. I did not say I will always do the things I want to do, but I have made up my mind to accept it is a normal part of human nature to desire to do things that are pleasing to my flesh. Pauls speaks in Romans 7:14-20 of being confused because he wants to do good, yet he finds myself doing the opposite.... sound familiar?

How do we overcome this battle and find the balance of work and relaxation?

First and foremost, stop condemning ourselves, or allowing the enemy to condemn us (Romans 8:1)
~ Recognize it is human nature to desire to do things that are contrary to the things we should be doing, but have a choice to do what we "need" to do versus doing the things we "want" to do.

Second, prioritize your time and hold yourself accountable.
~ If you desire to read a novel, spend your time in the word of God first. This way your spirit is fed before you do something that relaxes you naturally. If you have housework that needs to be done, divide it up into 30 minute increments. Spend that time taking care of household duties and then take a break to watch a half hour television show or endulg in a hobby. Always allow yourself time to do something for yourself, but do the things that need to be done as well!
~ Be real with yourself! You can lie to everyone, but yourself and God. If you see that the day is slipping by and none of your "responsibilities" have been taken care of because your time has been spent on "fun" things, stop having fun and take care of the things that need your attention! Many times we say we don't have enough time to complete the items on our to do list when if we are honest we should say, "I mismanaged my time and squandered my day away!"..... OUCH! That one hurt!

Third, Figure out what you really have time for
~Take a look at everything on your plate. Are there things you've added that are taking away time from your responsibilities? Just because we desire to do certain things, doesn't mean we NEED to do those things!

As always.... be blessed, and post a comment if you desire to do so!