Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Great Balancing Act

With my children returning to school this week and a much lighter work load, I find myself with more time on my hands, yet I am still NOT completing everything on my ever growing "to do" list. There was a time in my life when this would have troubled me greatly, but I've learned a lesson that has changed my life forever. What is that lesson you ask? It's simple, I've learned to accept that fact that I am human. I am human and therefore I will make mistakes. I will want to watch TV when I should be cleaning. I will want to read novels when I should be outside playing with the kids. I will want to lounge around and do nothing when I should be taking the dog for a walk. Some will say these are excuses, but I beg to differ. I did not say I will always do the things I want to do, but I have made up my mind to accept it is a normal part of human nature to desire to do things that are pleasing to my flesh. Pauls speaks in Romans 7:14-20 of being confused because he wants to do good, yet he finds myself doing the opposite.... sound familiar?

How do we overcome this battle and find the balance of work and relaxation?

First and foremost, stop condemning ourselves, or allowing the enemy to condemn us (Romans 8:1)
~ Recognize it is human nature to desire to do things that are contrary to the things we should be doing, but have a choice to do what we "need" to do versus doing the things we "want" to do.

Second, prioritize your time and hold yourself accountable.
~ If you desire to read a novel, spend your time in the word of God first. This way your spirit is fed before you do something that relaxes you naturally. If you have housework that needs to be done, divide it up into 30 minute increments. Spend that time taking care of household duties and then take a break to watch a half hour television show or endulg in a hobby. Always allow yourself time to do something for yourself, but do the things that need to be done as well!
~ Be real with yourself! You can lie to everyone, but yourself and God. If you see that the day is slipping by and none of your "responsibilities" have been taken care of because your time has been spent on "fun" things, stop having fun and take care of the things that need your attention! Many times we say we don't have enough time to complete the items on our to do list when if we are honest we should say, "I mismanaged my time and squandered my day away!"..... OUCH! That one hurt!

Third, Figure out what you really have time for
~Take a look at everything on your plate. Are there things you've added that are taking away time from your responsibilities? Just because we desire to do certain things, doesn't mean we NEED to do those things!

As always.... be blessed, and post a comment if you desire to do so!

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