Sunday, July 12, 2009

First let's define these words!

To be effective in our pursuit, we must first understand the meaning behind the words pursuing and excellence.

Pursue/Pursuing- to proceed in accordance with; to carry on or continue; to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish.

Excellence- the quality of being excellent; state of possessing good qualities in an eminent degree; exalted merit; superiority in virtue/ synonyms- preeminence, transcendence, distinction, merit, virtue

What does all that mean?
To pursue excellence means to proceed in accordance with the quality of being excellent; to carry on or continue in the state of possessing good qualities in an eminent degree; to strive to gain exalted merit; seek to attain or accomplish superiority in virtue.
This is the bar we should strive to attain with our walk with God. I should not give God what little energy I have left over after attending to my natural responsibilities. I should determine to give God the very best of me. My favorite definition for the word pursue is to strive to gain. I should be striving daily to gain the spirit of excellence (superiority in virtue). Women often times place unrealistic expectations on ourselves. We plan to keep a home spotless at all times, cook multiple meals a day, attend to our children and husband's every need, volunteer at the school, volunteer at the church, spend hours a day praying and meditating on God's word, all while often times working a full time job outside of the home. Most of us end up feeling disappointed in ourselves when we can not find time to complete everything on our "to do" list. I do not believe this is the life God planned for us. God did not call us out of a miserable life of sin so that we could live a miserable life of salvation. The spirit of excellence does not mean piling too many items on your plate and then forcing yourself to finish them. In fact, it means the opposite. It means adding only the things God has instructed you to add.
When we allow God to orchestrate every area of our lives, that is when we are pursuing excellence. When we make conscious choices to trust God and walk according to His precepts, that is when we are pursuing excellence. When we put down the "super woman" title the world pressures us to pick up, then we are pursuing excellence. When we stop trying to fit into the mold of those around us, that is when we are pursuing excellence. When we allow God to be God in our lives and live as the vessels of honor He has created us to be, then we will be striving to gain exalted merit and superiority in virtue also known as excellence.
Women of God, I challenge you to re-evaluate your life and the things you have committed your time and energy to. While your "jobs" may be noble, you must ask yourself are they beneficial to your walk with God and pursuit of the spirit if excellence. When we spread ourselves too thin, something will always suffer. What we can't afford to let suffer is our relationship with God. Without God first in our lives, everything around us has the potential to crumble. If you are tired of the juggling at, tired of being exhausted day after day, and tired of being pulled in every direction with absolutely no end in sight, then stop pursuing the things the world says we should be pursuing and pursue God. Ask Him to show you which activities you should be a part of, and which ones you shouldn't. Ask Him to give you balance in your life. There is nothing more beautiful to me than a woman living the balanced life God has called her to and walking in the spirit of excellence that comes therein.
Each week, I will post a new topic to help you with this pursuit. My prayer is that the readers of this blog will find it useful to their everyday lives. Please post comments as you desire to do so. God bless you, and let's get praying!

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