Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just Jump!

Have you ever had the feeling that you just suddenly "woke up"? Not from actually sleeping in the natural, but in your spirit. If not, keep living its bound to happen. Some people call them "aha moments" or light bulbs turning on. Call it what you like, but to me it feels like I just "woke up". Like an area of my mind and spirit have been resting waiting for this very moment. The point of this blog post is actually not about waking up, rather what I woke up to.

Its like I opened my eyes and I was standing on the edge of a cliff. A huge mountainous cliff, and as I tilted my head forward to see what was beneath me there was utter darkness. Nothing but darkness all the way down to depths unknown. In front of me there is another cliff, but the gap is too wide for me to safely jump. I can see the sun shining on the other side, and there is a storm behind me so I can't turn around and go back. In that moment panic began to rise in my chest, but just as quickly as it rose, I felt the peace of God and heard Him whisper, "Its okay, jump". The natural response is "Heck, no. I'm not jumping off of a cliff!" But when God is saying jump fear has a way of taking a back seat... IF YOU TRUST HIM!

At that point I began to realize what God was showing me. I'm on the edge of the next phase of my life and I have absolutely no foresight as to how I will get from where I am now over to the next chapter. Its not as simple as turning the page when there is darkness between you and the next step. Its not easy to just step out on faith when it looks like there is only darkness beneath you. What I have to remember and what you have to remember is when we are obedient to God and jump, He will not simply steady your feet or extend the Earth for you to walk on, HE WILL GIVE YOU WINGS TO FLY!!!

Before entering a new chapter in my life I have always gone through a trust exercise with God. He's nudged and I've honestly been a little hesitant each time. I've gone back to Him and asked, "God are you sure?" As if He would ever speak something to me that didn't already exist. (smile) What has always caused me to fall in love with Him all over again is how He gently reminds me of the previous times when He's told me to jump.

It started out with little baby steps, like a baby learning to walk from the sofa to the coffee table, but as I've grown over the years the surface between the steps has gotten less and less sturdy, and the distance has grown wider and wider. Yet through it all, He's always there and I've NEVER fallen when stepping out on faith.

As believers we are constantly challenged to trust God more. Today's trust level will not suffice next year, for some not even next week. You're going to have to get to the point that you jump every time He says jump! The more risky the step of faith, the bigger the reward on the other side! I may have only seen darkness beneath me, but my concern should not been the darkness. My focus should have been on His words. HE said jump. He is my ultimate saviour. I have absolutely nothing to fear when He is with me and He is always with me, even unto the ends of the Earth! I am never alone! God is always there encouraging, supporting, pushing, and propelling me to the next chapter! Therefore, no matter what the surroundings suggest, IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO JUMP!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this. You have no idea how inspirational it was for me. Thanks a million!
-Kristie Reid