Thursday, April 11, 2013

No More Road Trips In Pintos!


One of the most beautiful things about humans is our ability to make choices. We are not purely driven by instinct, we can follow our hearts. The difficult thing about following your heart is sometimes the heart wants people/things that are not good for you. That’s where God's gift of free will comes into play. You can choose to connect with people that are going nowhere and taking you with them, or you can choose to let go of those people and connect with those that will help to propel you into your destiny. Choosing to remain connected to those that hurt, mislead, abuse, and misuse you and expecting to reach your full potential in life is like getting in a beat up 1970 Pinto and attempting to drive from coast to coast. It was a BAD idea to start with and you'll be lucky if you get five miles down the road! On the other hand, when your heart leads you to people/things that are in God's perfect will for your life, you must be willing to step out on faith and accept them. Examine your choices.....Is your heart leading you closer to Him, or further away? Do you choose what is right because it’s the right thing to do, or do you only do the right thing when there is an audience? Better choices= a BETTER LIFE! Stop being afraid of the big blessings.....step out and GO GET IT! -No more road trips in Pintos....they get you nowhere!!!

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