Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Desperate Place

I recently watched a video in which Vashawn Mitchell spoke about the young man that wrote the song "Nobody Greater". Apparently the young man was going through an extremely difficult time in his life. He turned to God and began to pray and worship. As he did, the lyrics to "Nobody Greater" began to flow out of him.

My point? When you go before God with a heart of pure prayer and worship you may find that what you need to change your situation is already inside of you. The young man had lost his job, but the song that is arguably one of the most beautifully sincere gospel songs ever written was inside of him. The song has touched people all over the world, and has assuredly changed his financial situation! Had he not been in a desperate place, would he have ever gone to God and heard those words in his spirit?

Often times we find ourselves backed into a corner and instead of going to God with pure worship we go in a state of panic and self pity. We throw "tantrums" and whine about how unfair life is when in reality this is the time to enter into worship. Its easy to worship when your heart is filled with gratitude, but can you worship when everything around you seems terribly wrong? Can you worship when it feels like God is no longer there? This is the truth of who you are. Are you a worshiper or a whiner? Can you learn to appreciate the process that will propel you into your destiny?

Time and time again we've heard testimonies of God delivering people out of tough situations just in a nick of time. The saying "He's an on time God" is well known all over the world. Why then do we fret when it seems as though the world is crumbling around us? Does He not know and understand your need? Is there ever a chance of Him failing you or not providing for you? No....not a chance! It's time to learn to appreciate the desperate place and use it as it was originally a springboard for your success!  God was a master plan for your life. If you begin to worship Him from the depths of your being, you may be surprised at what flows out of you. The next worship song that brings people all over the world into a place of peace so that they may experience the presence of God may be right inside of you! The next book that helps point millions in the direction of healing and wholeness may be waiting on you to open your mouth and worship your Creator! Don't get lost in the desperate place...worship there!

Watch the video I am referring to here

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